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帝国全面战争 外交关系揭秘

作者:佚名   来源:本站   时间:2023-08-20  点击:


Religion (宗教)
Same/Different Religion: bolded= you, after arrows= them, penalty/bonus never changes (粗體的是你的宗教,箭頭後是對方。例如: 你是新教的英國,對天主教的西班牙關系-5,她對你則-10)

1. Protestant (新教)
---> Orthodox, Hindu, Animism 0 (泛靈論)
---> Catholic, Islam -5
---> Protestant +10

2. Catholic (天主教)
---> Orthodox 0
---> Hindu, Animism -5
---> Protestant -10
---> Muslim -15
---> Catholic +20

3. Orthodox (東正教)
---> Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, Animism 0
---> Muslim -5
---> Orthodox +10

4. Muslim (穆斯林)
---> Protestant, Animism -5
---> Orthodox -10
---> Hindu, Catholic -15
---> Muslim +30

5. Hindu (印度教)
---> Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Animism 0
---> Muslim -10

Government (政體)
Same/Different Government:(bolded= you, after arrow= them, penalty/bonus never changes even after revolution due to bug) Most of the world uses Absolute Monarchy, so if thats you most of the world will like you. While Republic has the highest comraderey. (同上,粗體的是你的政體,箭頭後是對方。另外,不知道是不是BUG,就算革命改變政體,關系都不會改變)

1. Constitutional Monarchy (君主立憲)
---> Republic -15
---> Absolute Monarchy -10
---> Constitutional Monarchy +10

2. Absolute Monarchy (君主專制)
---> Constitutional Monarchy -10
---> Republic -25
---> Absolute Monarchy +15

3. Republic (共和制)
---> Constitutional Monarchy -15
---> Absolute Monarchy -30
---> Republic +30

Dynamic Penalty/Bonus (動態增減)

These add +1 or minus -1 after an initial setting. i.e. +1 means the number increases positively, if its -60, itll be -59, if its +30, itll be +31. And vice versa for -1. 這些會在基礎數目上每回合+1 / -1。

1. Military Alliance +30 initial, +1/turn, MAX +80 結盟: 開始+30,每回合+1,最大+80  
Alliance with an Enemy Nation +1/turn (enemy defined as neighbor to them) 與敵國同盟 (敵國指的是跟對方接壤的國家) : 每回合+1
Alliances Were Not Honored -20 initial, +1/turn until at permanent -5 penalty 盟國被攻打,你選擇不參戰: 開始-20,每回合+1(即減輕1),直到-5 (跟你同宗教派系的國家都對你永久性-5)
Alliance Broken -40 initial, +1/turn 解盟: 開始-40,每回合+1,直到0
War Declared on a Friend -15, +1/turn 向人家的盟友宣戰 開始-15,每回合加+1,直到0
Unreliable Ally
Backstabber! Attacked by forces given safe passage -30, +1/turn 對方給你軍事通行權,而你不取消就開打: 開始-30,直到0

2. Trade Agreement +15 initial, +1/turn, MAX +60 簽訂貿易協議: 開始+15,每回合+1,最大60
Trade Agreement Broken -20 initial, +1/turn 取消貿易協議: 開始-20,每回合+1,直到0

3. Territorial Expansion -10 initial per (re)capture, +1/turn 領土擴張: 每攻占/收復一塊地-10,每回合+1
Threats of Attack -30 initial, +1/turn 恐嚇攻擊對方: 開始-30,每回合+1

4. State Gift +100 initial (max), -1/turn. Size doesnt matter! 禮物: 開始+100,每回合-1 (2500, 5000, 10000 都沒分別!)

5. War! -# initial, +1/turn without fighting/peace, MAX -200 宣戰: 開始-X,每回合+1,最勁去到-200

6. An Enemy of My Enemy +15, decreases eventually 敵人的敵人就是我的朋友: 開始+15,逐漸歸0

7. Historical Friendship/Grievances +1/turn 世代友好/世仇: 每回合增加1

8. National Leader (Not) Respected some# until that leader dies 領袖 受/不受 尊重: 直到退位,死亡

Espionage (间谍活動)
Note that espionage penalties are WORLDWIDE 不單是受害國,全世界對你都關系下降

1. Acts of Espionage -20 initial from victim, -2 initial, +1/turn 一般间谍活動被揭發: 受害國開始-20,每回合+1

2. Assassination Attempts -50 initial from victim, -5 initial, +1/turn 暗殺被揭發: 受害國開始-50,每回合+1

Territorial Expansion Explained (關於領土擴張)
It also appears to be that the penalty for Alliances Were Not Honored is applied in the same fashion as Territorial Expansion as described below.
If you capture ANY territory as a EUROPEAN(christian) nation, all EUROPEAN(christian) nations will dislike you more by -10 per capture. No matter where you capture or whose you capture. On the other hand, all other nations could care less if you expand, except of course if it is their land you are taking. 



