

[摘要]1. Learn From Your environment.1.从你的周围环境学习Your competitors have done a lot of legwork for you. Use ...


1. Learn From Your environment.


Your competitors have done a lot of legwork for you. Use that to your advantage by searching the web and checking out their sites. Write down all of the amazing features you see so you can incorporate them into your own stunning site.

你的竞争者已经为你做了许多详细调查。 通过搜索他们的网站, 检索他们的网站信息, 将这些资料应用为自己的优势。 写下你看到的所有令人赞叹的特色, 然后将这些特色融入自己的精美网站里面。

2. Create the Site


Now it’s time for the fun to begin. While you can pay someone thousands of dollars to develop a website from scratch, that is unnecessary. Instead, utilize a free template to create your site yourself.

现在就可以开始这一有意思的制作了。 尽管你可以付给某人几千美元来写一个网站, 但是这也并不是必要的。 其实, 你可以用一个免费的模板来制作自己的网站。

There are many DIY website building platforms out there and Wix is one of the most common and highly recommended. You can find a free template for anything you need. You might have an e-commerce site where visitors buy products, or you might have an information site full of articles. It doesn’t matter what kind of site you have-there is a template just waiting for you to use.

有许多自己制作网站的模板素材, 维克斯就是其中最普遍而且最推崇的一个网站。 你可以找到任何你需要的免费模板素材。 你或许已经有一个电子商务网站, 用户可以在网站上购物, 或者你有一个文章内容丰富的网站。 不论你需要什么类型的网站, 都会有合适的模板供你使用。

3. Create Killer Content


With the help of a template, you have now built a beautiful site. There is only one problem-it’s empty. So it’s time to populate it with some content that grabs your reader's’ attention and doesn’t let go.

在模板的帮助之下, 你现在已经制作了一个好看的网站。 现在就只有一个问题了——网站内容为空。 现在就是时候填充一些可以吸引并留住读者的一些内容了。

Think about what you know, and turn it into content. First, make sure all of your content passes a test. Ask yourself:

想想你知道的东西, 然后将这些转换为网站内容。 首先, 要确保你的所有内容都能通过一个测试。 问自己:

Is it edgy?


Is it engaging?


Does it enrich people’s lives?


Does it answer your visitor’s questions?


Is it interesting?


If it passes the test, you are ready to populate your site with your content.

如果通过了这一测试, 你就可以将这些内容填充到你的网站里面了。
